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Marc K Peter – author of The Digital Transformation Canvas – is the Digital Prof​

Digital Business | Digital Technology | Cybersecurity | Digital Leadership | Digital Marketing

The Digital Transformation Canvas

This practical and comprehensive book is your master plan for digital transformation. Guiding you through seven action fields of digital transformation, with multiple checklists and templates, you will be able to build a digital roadmap for your organisation. Visit for further information.

Free Digital Strategy Check

The Digital Strategy Check is based on the 7 action fields of digital transformation and helps to determine your digital maturity based on 24 strategic questions. It provides an initial assessment of your digital posture and opportunities for your digital roadmap. Use the free digital maturity tool available at

Digital Transformation YouTube Channel

Learn about digital transformation and how to unlock digital opportunities in your organisation in 17 short videos on YouTube, guiding you through the book, including how to use the workshop canvas and other templates for digital strategy development. Access the videos on­@TheDigital­TransformationCanvas.

Free Digital Business Templates and Checklists

Download the workshop canvas for digital transformation, the ACT method (Analyse, Create, Transform) ­– extended workshop canvas, the digital roadmap template and small business/SME example and the ACT method checklist based on the 24 most important strategic topics to develop your digital strategy. Available for free at www.the-digital-­

The Digital Transformation Canvas App

The Android and Apple app provides you with free resources and templates to de­velop and implement your digital strategy, including videos, an overview of the action fields of digital transformation and the Digital Strategy Check. Download links:

Digital Transformation Teaching and Workshops

The Digital Prof  – Marc K Peter – will visit your university or organisation onsite or online for an overview of The Digital Transformation Canvas and how to develop a digital roadmap. Marc K Peter teaches at FHNW and the University of Basel in Switzerland, at Rochester Bern Executive Programs and at CSU in Australia. Contact Marc via to book a class or workshop.

The Digital Prof – Marc K Peter

Marc K Peter is a leading expert in digital transformation, digital business development and digital strategies. Prof Marc Peter worked in start-ups, SMEs as well as in large corporations including eBay, E*TRADE and LexisNexis in Europe and Asia-Pacific. Visit for further information and to contact the Digital Prof.